, Jakarta During the homecoming holiday, there are often many vehicles and the risk of accidents increases. In conclusion, Askrindo is offering free personal accident insurance to around 900 passengers with an insured value of IDR 27 billion on Eid 2023 through DigiAsk. This maximizes Askrindo’s role in providing insurance comprehension and is also a true form of BUMN present in the community.
Personal accident insurance provided protects travelers from travel risks such as death or permanent disability within 7 days of coverage. Insurance will be provided along with the implementation of the joint return activity organized by on 18-19 April 2023.
Askrindo Principal Priyastomo said providing personal accident insurance is an important piece of protection for travelers who have to make long trips.
SOE Minister Erik Thuhir said the 2023 Homecoming Program with SOE, titled “Mudik Dinanti Mudik di Hati”, is one implementation that serves SOE as a form of Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL). delivered.
“In addition to strategic measures aimed at mitigating potential road accident risks for travelers by transitioning travelers using two-wheelers to safer and more comfortable modes of transportation,” said Eric.
Repatriation registration began on April 5, 2023 with limited quotas. Repatriation activities organized jointly with Indonesia Financial Group (IFG) by BUMN Insured and Guaranteed Transportation are using 39 operating buses with up to 1850 passengers ready to depart. fleet.
Several destinations in Indonesia include Kuningan (via Cirebon), Pekalongan (via Tegal), Purorejo (via Purwokerto), Magelang (via Temanjung), Kudus (via Semarang), Yogyakarta (via Klaten), Wonogiri (via Solo) and Surabaya. There is. In addition to facilitating personal accident and traffic insurance for participants, Askrindo arranges consumption and health packages to ensure comfort during travel.
read also: Life Insurance for Beginners: What to Know Before You Buy